Metizoft AS

Metizoft is your designated person on a range of green requirements. Ship-owners, Shipyards and Suppliers will benefit from our services.
IHM – Inventory of Hazardous Materials (previously known as Green Passport) We deliver everything related to this regulation as your designated person.
Non- Asbestos – Asbestos free declarations are required on any delivery in the industry. We are your designated person for this service.
Greenlogger DMS – A tool that enables your company to meet your all document management needs through customization.
Green Makers List - A full quality control of your value chain.
Certificate Archive – Makes it easy to manage certificated. We can also collect and implement certificates.
Manuals – Outsourcing of production of a range of manuals such as Clean Design, SMPEP/SOPEP, Oil Recovery, LFL and Cargo Securing.
Haz Mat inspections: will be a requirement for all vessels above 500GT sailing in EU waters or flying an EU flag within 2020.
New services for suppliers where we together with the IHM and AFD documentation do a full quality assurance and fill out the documents on your behalf to your client.
REACH, ROHS, Conflict Minerals