Insatech Marine

Insatech Marine works hard at being your trustworthy and competent partner. With more than 25 years of experience in the field focused on automation and instrumentation, our marine experts have established longstanding partnerships with some of the world's leading manufacturers within instrumentation and automation. It means we are able to provide you with a global service.
At Insatech Marine we strive for optimizing operational procedures and ease your decision making. Combined with our industry knowledge we offer you field tested and proven solutions enabling you to comply with regulations - and help you save money.
Below we will introduce you to our most popular optimization solutions and systems:
The Fuel Consumption System - Save fuel by improving your fuel utilisation.
The system provides real time data of immediate fuel consumption. The knowledge of your fuel consumption provides you with insight in how internal and external influences affect vessel consumption. And you will be able to implement the most cost-effective optimisation projects.
The Fuel Monitoring System - Cut costs by evaluating efficiency projects on fleet level.
The fuel monitoring systems measure your consumption data on vessel level, and enables you to send data to your headquarter for deeper analysis. Thus efficiency projects of any kind can now be rolled out and evaluated on fleet level. The system is expandable and can be connected to the consumers you want to track. It can be upgraded to a performance monitoring system.
The Performance Monitoring System - Optimize vessel performance and aid decision making.
The performance monitoring system will optimise your operational performance by assisting the evaluation and effect of optimization projects or initiatives. It can be used as a tool to asses your vessel’s energy efficiency plan (SEEMP). Use of the system will simplify your decision making process of operations, as data collection from multiple instruments and consumers provides you with an overall picture of vessel consumption. The system can be utilized on fleet level.
The Bunker Management System - Get the amount of bunker you paid for.
The bunker system uses stable Coriolis mass flow meters, which prevents unintentional or intentional attempts to manipulate the marine fuel by either heat or air. The system has ensured accurate bunkering since 2013. The largest reported faulty delivery detected with help from the system, was a short of 53.3 metric tons, equivalent of USD 31,980 (June 2013). For this operator, the system was paid back in 2 bunker operations.
ODME System - When down time is not an option.
Regulation stipulates that all vessels must carry a functional ODME (Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment) aboard. The system is made to allow or prevent the discharge of ballast water, depending on the level of residues. It will automatically log the discharge sites.
We ensure proper installation, training, service and maintenance of the system to ensure you have no downtime, and thereby no delays or unplanned cost of operation related to the discharge system.
We also offer comprehensive installation, commissioning, training, service and maintenance, ensuring as little downtime for you as possible.
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